1. A mat-forming, evergreen shrub (Vaccinium macrocarpum) of eastern North America, having pink flowers and tart, red, edible berries.
2. The berries of this plant, used in sauces, jellies, relishes, and beverages.
1. A small, single-storied house, especially in the country.
2. A small vacation house.
cran·ber·ry cot·tage
1. A tiny house in the woods in the north of Holland.
2. Peace, quiet, paradise.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Garden visitors.....

When Jos told me months ago that he saw a woodpecker on our pergola, I thought he must have imagined it. We live in a city suburb and there are no woodpeckers here. But this weekend, he spotted one again. I grabbed my camera and started snapping photos. But it did not look the woodpecker we see at Cranberry Cottage. Then another landed on this tree next to it and we realized it was a mother and her baby feeding from our peanut feeder. It is the Great Spotted Woodpecker and we feel honored that they are coming to our city garden. It means we are doing things right with our planting. 

Toen Jos een bonte specht op onze pergola zag dacht ik dat het niet waar kon zijn. Wij wonen in een buurt net buiten de stad. Maar afgelopen weekend zag hij er weer een. Ik pakte snel mijn camera om wat fotos te maken. Maar deze bonte specht zag er anders uit dan de spechten die we in de Cranberry cottage tuin zien. Onmiddelijk daarna kwam er nog een  specht op de boom. Het ging om een moeder en baby grote bonte specht. Het is een eer om deze prachtige vogels in onze tuin te hebben want het betekent dat wij het goed doen met onze beplanting. 

"I would at least strike my spade into the earth with such careless freedom but accuracy as the woodpecker his bill into a tree."

Henry David Thoreau



  1. Wauw gaaf!!! En wat een geluk dat je zulke mooie foto's kon maken!!!
    Een fijne avond en waterige groetjes,

  2. We were so excited to see mother and baby here tonight, on the telegraph pole at the end of our garden,
    They love peanuts and every year in France we used to wait for the birds to come to our patio. They never let us down and we spent hours watching them.

  3. How wonderful to have these Woodpeckers in your garden Heidi. Your photos are stunning.
    Patricia x

  4. Wow, great pictures Heidi. Hope they stick around and with all those
    peanuts I bet they will. Your garden is a thing of beauty for sure.
    Love you, Mom


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